Easter Sunday: Bonkers But True

It is so wonderful to be here with you this glorious morning. So many people have worked hard to create the beauty of this service – and the three others that preceded it this week. The altar guild has been busy polishing silver, ironing linens, and preparing...

Seeing Jesus Face to Face

“Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” That was the request of some Greeks who were visiting a festival in Jerusalem, or someplace close by. They ask this of one of Jesus’ disciples, Philip, who tells his friend Andrew. The two of them go to Jesus with the...

Saved for Life

Sunday morning has a language all its own, full of words that we seldom, if ever, use other times of the week. Words like repentance, righteousness, grace, incarnation. Words that I suspect we  would be hard pressed to easily define. Sometimes the strange...

For David Abner

Today’s service is a little bit different from what we would normally do on the Second Sunday in Lent. As you know, this week our parishioner David Abner died after a stay in hospice. David’s children preferred not to have a formal funeral for their...

Divine Disarmament

The story of the rainbow is a curious reading for the first Sunday in Lent. We are at the beginning of the most somber season of the church year, a time set aside for reflection and repentance, for fasting and self-denial. We began the service today with the Great...

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