Dear friends,

 It is good to be back in the office today after time away. Most of the time I was home doing things around the house that have been on the to do list for a long time. The big event was this past weekend with my 50th high school reunion. One of the few people I have kept in touch with over the past 50 years flew down from Connecticut and stayed with me. We both had very low expectations, but we were both wrong. We had a really good time at the official gathering Saturday night and lunches on Saturday and Sunday. It’s funny how you can not see someone for 50 years and feel instantly connected, and for at least a little while feel the years melt away. 

This Sunday we will have a guest for Sunday School and preaching. Dr. Lindsey Hardegree is the executive director of the diocesan  Episcopal Community Foundation, which makes grants to congregations and organizations for outreach and justice programs. She will talk about the foundation’s work and funding. Bishop Wright has encouraged us to have her preach and teach at every congregation. As I look back at my emails I see that she first contacted me in 2022, so it truly is time to have her here. Lindsey has a PhD in theology from Candler and should be an engaging teacher and preacher. Please come to hear her at 9:30 in the Founders’ Room. She will also be preaching at both services.

You notice I said both services. This Sunday is when we go back to having services at 8:30 and 10;45, with Sunday School at 9:30. After the 10:45 service we will have a fried chicken lunch in the Beech Grove. Bring a side dish to share, and enjoy catching up with people after the summer.

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

With love, 


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