All Are Welcome
St. Dunstan’s is a progressive Episcopal church that strives to be a place of welcome, refuge, prayer, learning, and challenge.
We are much more than a neighborhood church.
We are located in an Atlanta neighborhood (that borders Buckhead and Sandy Springs), but we are much more than a neighborhood church. We have members who come to us from Vinings, Smyrna, Marietta, Mableton, Kennesaw, Midtown, Roswell, and Spaghetti Junction. Many of our parishioners drive by other Episcopal churches to get to us.
We think that’s because we offer something special.
At St. Dunstan’s you will find an intimate, caring community that finds more grace in the search for meaning than absolute certainty. We invite all people to join us around God’s altar, and to receive nourishment and strength through the body and blood of Christ at the Eucharist.
We value good liturgy and music, strong preaching, and invigorating Christian education for all ages. We believe we are called to be stewards of God’s creation and cherish the beauty of the land that surrounds us.
We also value one another. We give each other strength and comfort in times of difficulty and rejoice together in times of good fortune and grace. We enjoy having fun together.
The words from another hymn, “Let Us Build a House,” express it well:
“Let us build a house where hands will reach beyond the wood and stone to heal and strengthen, serve and teach, and live the Word they’ve known. Here the outcast and the stranger bear the image of God’s face: let this house proclaim from floor to rafter: All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.”
We invite you to join us!

This week's Sermon
Sharing from our Abundance
They have almost made it. After almost 40 years of in the wilderness, the Israelites are gathered on the plains of Moab, on the verge of entering the land that has been promised to them so long ago. After almost four decades of feeling lost, unsure, discouraged, and...

Latest News
Bulletin for Sun 3/16
From Claudia Gimson, Parish Administrator: Good day all! Attached is the bulletin for this Special Sunday. FINAL e-ver Lent 2 March 16Download As a reminder there is only one service at 10 am. Bishop Wright will be with us to celebrate and Bless the Icon that Tricia...