Pentecost Then and Now

Today is the auspicious coming together of many different parts of church life. It is the day of Pentecost, one of the most festive days of the church year, as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ original disciples and followers. Pentecost is...

A Roll of the Dice

It is one of the oddest stories in the New Testament. In the last six weeks or so the disciples, the followers of Jesus, have seen him be betrayed by one of them. They’ve seen Jesus arrested, tortured, and executed. They’ve seen their despair turn into joy...

The Only Test

When I read today’s gospel a man came to mind who I have not thought about in many years. Ernest was a fellow parishioner at St. Ann’s in Nashville. He was a quiet, unobtrusive man, probably in his mid-80s. He had long been a member of that congregation...

Getting Lost, Finding God

Of all the technological advances in the past couple of decades the one that I love the most is probably the GPS, whether in my car or on my phone. As the men with whom I’ve lived would tell you, I have a notoriously bad sense of direction.. So I take great joy...

Words of Comfort

Every year the fourth Sunday of the Easter season is known as Good Shepherd Sunday. It’s easy to see why. Three out of four of our scripture readings today have images of sheep and shepherds. The shepherd, or more accurately the good shepherd, is one of our most...

Easter Sunday: Bonkers But True

It is so wonderful to be here with you this glorious morning. So many people have worked hard to create the beauty of this service – and the three others that preceded it this week. The altar guild has been busy polishing silver, ironing linens, and preparing...

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