Dear friends,
There is a piece of local election news that I have been meaning to share with you. Many of you know my good friend the Rev. Kim Jackson, who has preached at St. Dunstan’s many times. Kim is now vicar of Church of the Common Ground, a congregation serving the homeless that meets for worship on Sundays in Woodruff Park. This week Kim was elected to the Georgia State Senate (she will continue at Common Ground). She will be a voice not only for her district, but for all people of faith, and those on the margins. I am so proud of her.
We are making a slight change in our worship tonight. Because Vice President Biden is addressing the nation at 8 pm, we are moving our online Eucharist with Prayers for the Nation to 7:30. The service bulletin is attached.
Remember that if you plan to attend the in-person worship in the Beech Grove, we need you to RSVP by noon Saturday. There are plenty of spaces left, but we need to know who is coming so that we can prepare the space. Here is the link:
And finally, if you are planning to come on Sunday please consider bringing some groceries for the food pantry. Our collections have slowed the past couple of weeks, but the need continues. Of course, you can drop off donations anytime.
See you tonight at 7:30.