Dear friends,
Every year during Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter, we celebrate the Triduum, which literally means the “three days.” There are special services each of those days — Maundy Thursday, the last night of Jesus’ life; Good Friday, the day of his crucifixion; and Holy Saturday, that time of waiting until we announce at the Easter Vigil that Christ has risen.
This year the way Christmas falls of the calendar gives us another Triduum — Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Sunday after Christmas. In other words, there is a lot of church going on this weekend! Here once again, is the schedule:
Today — Christmas Eve — The service begins at 5, and is preceded by 20 minutes of special music.
Tomorrow — Christmas Day — A simple Eucharist at 10 a.m.
Sunday — Christmas Lessons & Carols with Eucharist at 10 a.m.
I had been looking forward to a full church on Christmas Eve, but I know that the appearance of the Omicron variant is making people cautious again. If you have not been fully vaccinated and boosted I encourage you to join us for worship online. The bulletins for tonight and tomorrow are attached. For those who are here remember that masks are required. It is depressing to have a second Christmas impacted by Covid, but we still celebrate and rejoice at the birth of the infant God made flesh in Bethlehem.
Merry Christmas!