Dear friends,

Do you notice anything missing in this picture?


Why yes, it is the organ console! Don’t worry, this was planned. Before he retired last October, Tom Gibbs told us that the organ was in need of some renovations and upgrades. In January the vestry approved those actions, to take place after Easter. Of course, that was just after the pandemic hit. Many of the new parts are made in England, and manufacturing there was shut down for a while because of the coronavirus. But the manufacturers are back in business and Phil has gotten the parts. He and his crew came yesterday to get the console, It will be about six weeks before it is returned. My guess is that it will be back in the church before we are. In the meantime, Cameron will play our wonderful piano for Sundays’ music.

A shout out to Betty Loud for being the first person to bring food for the Sandy Springs Pop Up Food Pantry. This will be an ongoing project throughout the pandemic. You can bring any perishables and leave them in the bins outside the main doors. I’ll bring them in each day. (Or if you have a key just put them in the narthex by the red wagon). We’ll be delivering each Tuesday or Wednesday. But bring the food anytime. We’re also accepting financial donations, which we will use to shop for perishables or other items the pantry needs, Just a reminder that this pantry was begun a group of moms in Sandy Springs. It is 100 percent volunteer led, which means there is zero overhead (the space is donated). Thanks to Lucy Kaltenbach and Elise MacIntyre for coordinating delivery and shopping.


And finally, a little much-needed humor. Some churches are using Zoom for online worship because it is more interactive. This video will show you why we don’t: Enjoy.

See you for Compline this evening at 8.

I’ll be sending the service sheet for Sunday out tomorrow.

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