Dear friends,
It was so great to be with you again yesterday! I didn’t trust myself to be able to lead a service my first time back, so slipping in and sitting in the back of the church, then going up at announcements was a good re-entry for me. I was glad to be able to enjoy the Dixieland Jazz Band and the pancakes after church.
This morning I am back in the office for the first time. My plan (at least for the moment) is to be in several mornings a week, and on Sundays. That will allow me to still spend afternoons and early evenings with Joe, which I still need and want to do.
I missed most of the season of Epiphany. Lent begins on Wednesday with Ash Wednesday services at noon and 7 p.m. We also will resume Sunday School this Sunday. We’ll be using a video series that Bishop Wright is offering for the season. Over the past weeks my ability to concentrate and focus has not been great. So I’m glad the bishop has done the preparation work for us.
Once again, I want to thank everyone who has helped out in the last two months. Maggie, Deborah, Bill, and Kim have stepped in to do the priestly duties in my absence. Cameron and Claudia have kept things going in the office. The vestry, especially our senior warden Bob Longino, has carried on without me. And most importantly, I want to thank everyone for the prayers, emails, cards, and texts. They really do make a difference.
Joe still has a long road ahead of him. Being with and caring for him is still my top priority. I think we’re at a point now where I can work some and still be with Joe. We’ll re-evaluate as things progress, especially when he come home. I thank you in advance for your patience with me. And please keep the prayers going.
With love,