Dear friends,
Attached are the prayers for Compline for this week. Remember that we “gather” at 8 p.m. each evening to pray for one another and our world. The livestream is also recorded and is available on our Facebook page any time.
Thanks to all who have brought in food for the Sandy Springs Pop Up Food Pantry. We are getting quite a pile that will be delivered to the pantry this week. This is an ongoing effort throughout the pandemic, so we will gladly continue to accept anything that you can bring. In addition to nonperishable food items they also need diapers of all sizes, women’s sanitary products, all kinds of soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste. And I’ve heard they are running low on cat and dog food. Dunstan plans to bring some cat food to share. There are bins by the front door (or if you have a key you can put your goods by the red wagon in the narthex). I will check the bins when I come in and again before I leave for the day.
Look forward to seeing you this evening.