Dear friends,
Tomorrow is the last Sunday of this church year. It also the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and that will be the central theme of our worship. Come join us in giving thanks!
We also ask that you have your pledge cards in by tomorrow. Doing so will save you from getting a reminder email or phone call. Thanks to everyone who has already turned them in.
I love to hear when our children leave home and St. Dunstan’s for college and do good things. The latest example is James Robertson (son of Heather and Edward), a senior and student body president at Georgia College in Milledgeville. James was recently profiled in an article in the college magazine. You can read it at the link below.
And finally, I’ve heard from several of you who are upset about yesterday’s verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial. I share that feeling. Bishops around the country have shared their thoughts and reactions to the Kenosha trial and what it says about our country.
From our Bishop Rob Wright:
Vigilantism has a long and tragic history in our country. Today a new generation of aspiring vigilantes among us is affirmed and emboldened.
From Bishop Craig Loya from the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota:
I am no expert on the law, but I am an expert on religion, and America continues to worship at the altar of guns and racism. It is crushing and heartbreaking, and we are all indicted in that idolatry. May we continue to strive for justice, to wage peace, and shine the light of truth and love into the darkness of our twisted national faith.
See you tomorrow.