Dear friends,
Tomorrow morning we continue the adventure of worshipping online, live streaming the Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. You may have already discovered that all our online services, week night Complines and Sunday Eucharists, are also recorded online. That means if you can’t be there when it is streaming live, you can always go to our Facebook page, or click the link on our website, and watch it later.
This week we have added hymns (printed in the bulletin) and have some special musical guests. An easy way to evangelize is to share the line with friends on social media or by email. Last Sunday’s Eucharist had more than 800 views, with people checking in from all over the country. Our Compline services are regularly getting between 100-200 views. I find those numbers astonishing (even though I do know that every “view” does not watch the whole service). It tells me that people are hungry for worship and connection. So spread the word! And remember — online only!
Several of you have mentioned to me an interest in making masks for medical workers. Emory has put out these instructions for making masks. It gives a time and place for them to be delivered, but I bet any hospital near you would be happy to have them. Here’s the link:
And finally, I ask that you keep in your prayers two of our members whose fathers died this week. Kate Gaul’s father, Michael Meggeson, died in England after a long struggle with ALS. And Billy DuBose’s father, Billy DuBose Jr., died in South Carolina after a long illness. The normal grief from such a loss is compounded now by restrictions on travel and even funerals imposed by this pandemic. Please keep all their families in your prayers.
I look forward to “seeing” you tomorrow.