Dear friends,
It is the season of giving. We certainly see that at St. Dunstan’s. Earlier this week, Beth Zimmerman, Vivian Siggers, Elise McIntyre, and Rhea Hannah loaded up more than 60 bags of ingredients for Thanksgiving side dishes and delivered them to Emmaus House. That means at least 60 families will have a more abundant Thanksgiving feast because of your generosity. Many thanks to all who contributed to this effort.
Now we switch gears to Christmas giving. We have two different “drives” for this season. One is for toys for children served by the Solidarity Food Pantry (no toy guns or other violent toys or games). Please bring them to the narthex.
The second drive is for coffee (no decaf!), hot chocolate mix (with water) and sugar (5-lb bags) for Church of the Common Ground, an Episcopal congregation composed primarily of people who are unsheltered downtown. Please put them in and around the red wagon in the narthex.
And thank you for your messages and prayers about the death of my mother. I am in the office briefly today to put together her service. And please also keep Maggie Harney in your prayers. She is in the hospital recovering for a painful bout of pancreatitis.
Attached is the bulletin for Sunday morning. Many thanks to Deborah Silver for filling in for me.