Dear friends,
We had our first meeting of the new vestry this week. Year after year I am amazed at the people who enthusiastically offer themselves to serve God and the people of St. Dunstan’s. And every year I come home after the first meeting of the new group and tell Joe, “We have a really good group this time.” And that is always correct.
Here are the vestry members and the areas of parish life that they will oversee (and may ask you for help with).
- Senior Warden — Bob Longino
- Junior Warden — Vivian Siggers (outreach)
- Clerk — Lynn Hood
- Treasurer — Lee Morris (not a vestry member)
- Building — Justin Camara
- Fellowship/Hospitality — Michele Smither and Susie Throop
- Grounds — Max Changus
- Inreach — Elizabeth Wong Mark
- Stewardship — Gwen McAlpine
We are continuing our relationship with Solidarity Sandy Springs, the food pantry that began when schools shut down because of Covid in March 2020. We recently sent them a check for $3,500. Pantry director Jennifer Barnes called me and said that paid for all of their fresh produce and protein for a week. We are once again collecting food and other items for the pantry. Elise MacIntyre has offered to deliver food to the pantry whenever the red wagon is full. They welcome all donations, but here is a list of things that are continually needed.
The pantry also could always use volunteers to restock shelves, assist customers, and help with other tasks. If you’re interested in doing some hands on work, you can sign up here:
Finally, remember that we switch to our summer schedule Memorial Day weekend, May 29. From then through Labor Day weekend we will have services at 8:30 and 10, and no Sunday School.