Dear friends,
It was so good to be back to our “regular” schedule last Sunday. The slower pace of summer is always welcome, but so is the return to new things in the fall. It was nice to have two services again, and to gather together for thought-provoking Sunday School.
As we begin the new program year there are a few dates to mark on your calendar, We’ll have other things to add later.
Last on the calendar, but first in importance is that Bishop Wright will be with us on December 17. Among the things he will do with us is confirmations, if we have people who are interested. Confirmation is the way one officially joins the Episcopal Church. It is describes as a “mature affirmation” of faith. We have a series of classes about the Church, its beliefs and practices as preparation for confirmation. In the past I’ve handed Sunday School over to Joe so that I could lead a confirmation class during the Sunday School hour. Obviously, I cannot do that any more. If you are interested in those classes let me know and we will work out a time that suits everyone, perhaps immediately after church. Also, if you’re not sure you want to be confirmed, but want to know more about the Episcopal Church please come. Attending the classes does not obligate you to being confirmed. I’d like to start the classes in early October.
Two other special annual events coming up soon are the Blessing of the Animals and the Flying Pig BBQ. The animals will be on October 8, and the bbq on October 22. More details later.
Finally, a heads up that we will have a visitor this Sunday. Easton Davis, the communications director for the diocese, will be here videoing much of what we do for a video about St. Dunstan’s. He is offering this service to any church in the diocese that is interested. The video will be something we can post on our website as a way to help people know about our wonderful parish. The more people we have here Sunday the better the video will be. I look forward to seeing you then.
With love,