Dear friends,
Thank you so much for all of the prayers, messages, and support we have received since my mother died last week (it’s hard to believe it has only been a week). A special thanks to all who helped with the lovely reception after her funeral Sunday. My entire extended family also thanks you.
As you know, we have announced our Christmas giving drive for children served by Solidarity Food Pantry. Subsequently we learned that Solidarity wants the toys delivered by December 8th and 9th. Because this deadline gives such a short window to shop and deliver the toys as well as to collect cash gifts, we will make a monetary donation from the church instead. Also, we know that many parishioners are traveling during this holiday season. If you have already purchased toys for this effort you may bring them to the church and place them in the narthex by December 8th. We will deliver them on December 9th.
This Sunday we begin a new church year with the season of Advent, the time of preparation for the birth of the Messiah. Here is a list of what we will be doing for Advent this year
Expecting Emmanuel:
During Advent our Sunday school will look at the women who prepared the way for Jesus. We’ll dive deep into the accounts of Jesus’ female ancestors, reflect on God’s presence in their complicated lives, and examine how they helped to shape the Messiah. Join us in the Founders’ Room at 9:30 on November 27, December 4 and 11.
Coffee & Cocoa Drive:
This Advent we are helping our brothers and sisters served by Church of the Common Ground, a congregation in downtown Atlanta for those without shelter. Having something hot to drink becomes ever more important as the days grow colder. We are collecting coffee (ground, NO DECAF), 4-lb bags of sugar, and hot chocolate mix (with water). Please bring them by December 20.
Advent and Christmas Events:
- Second Sunday of Advent (December 4)
- 10:45 a.m. — At this service we will remember the life of our parishioner Peachy Horne, who devoted years of service to St. Dunstan’s, including taking excellent care of our grounds.
- 4 p.m. — The Music of Advent — Join us for a special service of music, prayers, and readings for the season.
- Saturday, December 10
- 4:30-7:30 p.m. — Winter Solstice Celebration Fundraiser for Mary & Martha’s Place. Live music, candlelight, and poetry. A table of items for sale from the Cathedral Bookstore. Light refreshments. Buy tickets and register online at
- Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 18)
- 10 a.m. — ONE service this day. We will decorate the Christmas tree and celebrate with a potluck lunch after the service.
- Christmas Eve (December 24)
- 5 p.m. — Come celebrate the birth of the Messiah.
- Christmas Day (December 25)
- 10 a.m. — A simple Eucharist for Christmas Day.
- New Year’s Day (January 1)
- 10 a.m. — One service of Christmas Lessons & Carols.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration with friends and family. As always, I am thankful to be part of the community of St. Dunstan’s.