Today is Tuesday in Holy Week. In a normal year, I would gather this day with all the clergy of the diocese and Bishop Wright to renew our ordination vows. That is a Holy Week practice throughout the church. In the busiest week of the year for clergy, we set aside time to remember and reflect on what we have been called to do. I usually start the day annoyed that I have this thing I have to do in a week in which I have tried to clear my calendar, but once I’m at the Cathedral I am happy to be there — to see friends and colleagues, to remember those vows I made so many years ago, to have this time when nothing is demanded of me but to show up and be fed (spiritually and literally with lunch after the service).

In this second Holy Week of Coronatide I am not sitting at the Cathedral with my friends. But there are words of encouragement offered by Bishop Wright and some of his friends today, encouragement and thanksgiving for clergy and laity who have kept the Church alive and functioning even when the building has been closed. That includes all of you. Here is the link. And you will recognize the place where the bishop is speaking.

During Lent this year we are collecting socks for people who live on the streets of Atlanta. We will take the socks to the Rev. (and state senator) Kim Jackson, who will distribute them to people in need throughout the year at Church of the Common Ground’s foot clinic. So far we have collected 761 pairs (yes, I counted them). Do you think we can hit 1,000? Please consider bringing socks and/or a donation for the food pantry when you come to church on Easter or any of the following Sundays in April. Or you can drop them off (or have them delivered) anytime.

See you at Stations of the Cross tonight at 8.

Five filled containers of socks and another that is half filled. That’s a lot of socks!

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