Dear friends,
What a powerful Holy Week and joyous Easter celebration we had! It takes so many people to make these services a reality. Many thanks to Cameron and the choir, who sang at five services in one week; to the altar guild, who set up for that many services; to the flower guild, who outdid themselves this year (photos below). And thanks to all the lectors, layreaders, and ushers, to Maggie Harney and Deborah Silver, who shared in the preaching, and to Ralph, who made sure every service was live streamed. And finally, thanks to Claudia, who produced beautiful bulletins for each service (in addition to many other things), and Rhea, who folded and assembled them. St. Dunstan’s community was at work in wonderful ways.
Within the next week or so we will hit a pandemic milestone, a million deaths from Covid in this country. In recognition of that, our worship this Sunday will be services of remembrance of those who have died. If you have anyone you would like remembered please send me the names.
Also this Sunday we will begin a new series in the Adult Sunday School class on “hidden gems in the Book of Common Prayer.” Come and learn about the parts of the prayer book that we don’t use on Sunday that offer beautiful prayers for many different occasions.
On Sunday, May 1 we will have our annual parish meeting for the first time in three years. This year the meeting will be in the context of worship. There will be one service at 10 a.m. We’ll begin with a hymn, prayers, and scripture reading, then hold the meeting, and then have Eucharist. Following the service we will have a potluck lunch to celebrate being able to be together again.
Finally, here are pictures of some of the beautiful art created for Easter. The flowers were spectacular. And so was the cake made by Katharina McCawley for the cake and champagne reception after the Easter Vigil. She promises it will be a tradition.