Love Going Forth

    The pattern is the same every year.     We celebrate Easter and God’s victory over death in the resurrection of Jesus, the son of God. Then 50 days later we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples at Pentecost....

Look Around and Get Busy

    While most of us were busy doing other things this week a major feast day of the Church slipped by. This past Thursday was Ascension Day, the day that Christ, who has already risen from the dead, finally ascends into heaven.     Ascension Day is...

The Only Test

    When I read today’s gospel a man came to mind who I have not thought about in many years. Ernest was a fellow parishioner at St. Ann’s in Nashville.     He was a quiet, unobtrusive man, probably in his mid-80s. He had long...

Getting Lost, Finding God

    Of all the technological advances in the past couple of decades the one that I love the most is probably the GPS, whether in my car or on my phone. As the men in my family will tell you, I have a notoriously bad sense of direction.. So I take great joy in typing...

Out of Our Tombs

    Wow! I could just stand here and look at you all morning. It is so wonderful to see your faces, or at least your eyes. It is so wonderful to hear more than one or two voices joining together to say the prayers, the psalms, the responses. It is so...

Can I Get A Witness?

    Unimaginable suffering. Excruciating pain. Bottomless grief.  Incomprehensible cruelty.  All of that is on display on this most somber day when we remember the death, the execution, of Jesus.      It’s a hard...

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