Dear friends,

You may remember that last Sunday we changed one of the hymns mid-service because, as I said at annoucements, it contained a word that is forbidden during Lent. Several of you asked me afterwards what that word was, which made me think it might be time for a brief Lenten liturgical lesson. The banned word is “alleluia.” Lent is a somber season, leading up to Jesus’ betrayal, crucifixion, and death. So our liturgy tries to reflect that. There is one exception to the no alleluia rule. That is for funerals, when we say “Even at the grave we make our song, ‘Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!” 

You may have noticed some other changes in the liturgy the last couple of weeks. The banners and clergy vestments have been changed, We use pottery patens and chalices instead of silver. The cross is draped in purple, the color for the season. The confession is moved to the beginning of the service, and the Eucharistic prayer has changed. All of these changes signal that we are in a new season, one that will take us through Good Friday.

Last Thursday I had the honor of serving as the state Senate Chaplain of the Day. Our friend Kim Jackson, who in addition to being an Episcopal priest is also a state senator, invited me to do this. Here is a link to the video:

The service leaflet for tomorrow is also attached.

I hope to see you in the morning.


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