Dear friends,
What a treat it was to hear part of our choir this morning. Thanks to all who participated in the video, and to Cameron for putting it all together. If you missed it, or just want to hear it again, a Google Drive link is below. We will also post it on our Facebook page.
Congratulations to Sean Robertson, who has been named Star Student for Roswell High School. That means he had both the highest SAT score in the school and is in the top 10 percent of his class. We’re proud of you, Sean!
The pile of stuffed animals, balls, and gift cards for Christmas for those served by Emmaus House is growing. If you have things to donate please have them to the church by Tuesday. And thanks to Michele Smither for delivering them.
We also have a growing pile of food for the PopUp Food Pantry. Elise MacIntyre will deliver on Tuesday. If you can’t get things to church by then, don’t worry. We’ll start a new pile Tuesday afternoon.
I have some difficult news to share. Joni House is now in hospice care after exhausting all treatment options for lymphoma. Please keep her and Alan Toney in your prayers.
And finally, thank you for all the cards, messages, and calls about my father’s death. I may not have responded to everyone, but I have read and appreciated them all. A small family service for my father will be at St. Dunstan’s on December 19. My mother will move from Chattanooga to Huntcliff Summit in Sandy Springs right after the new year. As you can imagine, helping my mother prepare for the move, planning my father’s funeral, while also preparing for Advent and Christmas at St. Dunstan’s means my plate is pretty full. I apologize in advance if something slips through the cracks (as the vestry meeting might well have done this week if Bob Longino hadn’t reminded me of it). Joe, Joseph Henry, and I all appreciate your love and support.
With love,Tricia