Dear friends,

Today we have a note from our treasurer Lee Morris. I’ll just add that if you haven’t gotten a pledge card or have misplaced yours, let me know and we will get another one to you. Or you can simply email Lee.
— Tricia

As folks are planning and submitting pledges for 2022, I thought it appropriate to remind everyone how to change a recurring contribution on our online giving options.  This may especially be desired if your pledge changes for 2022 from that of 2021.

Those online options on our parish website allow you to make your gifts “recurring” (weekly, monthly, etc).  If you have set that up and then want to stop it or change it, you need to let me know so I can do that for you.

While I’m at it, I’ll also remind everyone about the various ways to make our gifts:
1. Now that we are meeting in person, of course the old fashioned way of putting checks in the plate on Sunday is available again!
2. Or you may mail your gifts by check to the church, as Claudia is there regularly and can make deposits safely.  
3. Or you may use the online giving options on our parish website.  If you can find the “give” tab, you will see two options:    (a) “Donate by electronic check”, which will transfer funds directly from your bank account to the church’s account; or    (b) “Donate by debit/credit card”, which will charge your card and deposit the funds directly into the church’s account.The options allow you to make your gifts “recurring” (weekly, monthly, etc).  Remember that if you set that up and then want to stop it or change it, you need to let me know so I can do that for you.
4. Of course, gifts of appreciated stock can always be made, as well, and if you want to do that, please contact Claudia or me for the instructions for that.

If you give via check, please write on the memo line the purpose of the gift, especially if it is for other than your regular gifts (e.g., if it is for flowers, music, etc.).

Similarly, if you use the online option, please make sure you fill in the “Memo” box, so we will know if it is for some special purpose or your regular gifts. If there is no designation in the memo line or the memo box, I can only credit the gift to your regular support of the parish general fund revenues.

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