Standing Up Straight

    Eighteen years. For 18 years the woman has not been able to stand up straight. For 18 years she has been hunched over, her back so bent that all she can see is the ground around her.     For 18 years she has not seen the sun or the...

We Must Not Fail

    It is Independence Day weekend, a time that we celebrate the founding of this nation that we all love. It seems appropriate to be in church this weekend to offer prayers for our country.     By any standards this is a difficult time...

A Dangerous Moment

    It’s a dangerous moment for Christianity.     The disciple are gathered together in a locked room. It’s a familiar place to them. They locked themselves away from the world after Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion, fearing that those who...

 Jesus Wept

    If you came here this morning expecting to hear some words of wisdom or comfort from me, I’m sorry.      I have no words. No words to ease the pain, no words of hope, no words of wisdom.      All I can...

A Toxic Brew

    Last Saturday afternoon I made a routine run to the grocery store. I checked things off my list, chatted with a friend I ran into in the spice section, stood in line, paid for my items, then went home.     All across America...

Not Just a Statistic

    “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”     This is the first, and will most likely be the only, time that I have quoted Joseph Stalin in a sermon.      We are fast approaching a...

An Idle Tale

Utter nonsense. Foolishness. An idle tale. Every year we begin our Easter celebrations with shouts of joy: “Alleluia! Christ is risen!” we cry. “The Lord is risen, indeed. Alleluia!” As we make this joyful proclamation, we may think we are echoing the words with which...

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