Dear friends,

Tonight I have a message from our parishioner and Girl Scout Reese O’Connell.

Hello everyone! This is Reese. 

Tomorrow is the last day to order GS cookies from me. There is a link below to my site where you can order cookies. They will be delivered in mid-February. I will also be selling cookies at church on a Sunday soon if you would prefer to wait, but there won’t be as many different types to choose from. Thank you for considering buying from me.

Today there was a service of pray for the nation at the National Cathedral, attended by the president and vice president. The preacher was the Rt. Rev. Mariann Buddy, bishop of the Diocese of Washington. I commend the entire sermon to you, but if you don’t have the 14 minutes to watch it all, then watch the last five minutes. Bishop Buddy clearly and powerfully articulates what our faith requires of us, and of the nation. 

With love,

YouTube video

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