Dear friends,
As I hope you know, 2024 is the 60th anniversary of the founding of St. Dunstan’s. We will celebrate this milestone on May 19, which is both Pentecost and St. Dunstan’s Day. For our 50th anniversary we had a fund-raising campaign to allow us to make some much-needed improvements to the inside of our buildings. The altar, lectern, shelves, baptismal font, lighting (in both the church and the parish hall) and carpet were all the fruits of that campaign.
For this anniversary we are looking at our grounds and funding to make our grounds committee’s vision a reality. Harriet Smith announced this at the annual parish meeting on Sunday. Here is a condensed version of her remarks. I encourage you to help make this happen.
Three years ago the landscape committee began a renovation of our beautiful St. Dunstan’s grounds. The goal was to refresh, restore, and make safe our grounds while continuing to honor the tradition of nature and simplicity present at 4393 Garmon Road.
We made the investment in irrigation, weeding, compacting, cleaning-up, soil preparation, mulching, feeding, tree trimming, tree removal, and initial planting. We hired an architect, accepted a long-range design, studied estimates, made budgets, consulted everyone in Georgia on best practices, and began the renewal.
Your responses to the committee have indicated you appreciate what has been done and agree with our goal of leaving St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church to the generations that follow in wondrous condition.
In celebration of our 60 year anniversary on May 19th, we are announcing a capital campaign to raise $25,000. This money will be used to focus on our entry (a new sign and entry wall/pillars and plantings), and on the Beech Grove (a split-rail fence, two stone pillars marking the entry, plantings and mulch). Any additional funds we receive will be used to maintain our landscape and improve other landscape projects targeted in our long-range plan.
The generosity of parishioners in the past has dictated we run this campaign for only three weeks – until the 60th anniversary on May 19th. We hope your donations (marked LANDSCAPE or CAPITAL FUND) will arrive in that time period either on-line or by post to the office and we can announce a successful tribute to St. Dunstan’s has once again been accomplished.
The Landscape Committee