Christian Formation

We take the Bible seriously but not always literally.
We understand the Bible to be the Word of God, written by faithful people in a specific historical and cultural context. Like those who originally wrote the Biblical stories, we strive to be in a faithful, authentic relationship with God. Doing this, however, requires that the Bible be interpreted so that we can understand its meaning for us today. Christian education at St. Dunstan’s begins with this premise and seeks to teach sound interpretive skills.

We value questions and doubts, and believe that when these are accompanied by curiosity and courage, a deepening of faith occurs.
We strive to create an educational environment that is both safe and stimulating, a place where questions are encouraged and doubts can be voiced and explored openly with others.

We are rooted by our traditions, engaged by our present, and open to God’s calling us into the future.
We provide opportunities to learn about the history of Christianity, including the Episcopal church with its rich liturgical traditions. We also provide opportunities for people to be informed about, reflect on, and respond to current issues such as environmental stewardship, immigration, and health care.
Rapid technological change and the global connections that it enables are transforming our society. We find ourselves living during a time that is exciting but sometimes confusing and intimidating as well. Christian education at St. Dunstan’s strives to prepare people of all ages to discern God’s call in the midst of these challenging times in order to find creative ways to live out and proclaim God’s message of compassion and justice as we move into the future.

We believe the Church is called to be an inclusive community, and we strive to respond faithfully to that call.
The life experiences and perspectives of all who participate enrich our educational offerings. Together, in community, we seek to know and serve God.