Proper 14C Sermon

By The Rev. Bill Deneke A call to confession and hope belong together in Isaiah’s prophetic vision. Speaking for God, the prophet/poet proclaims God’s distaste for worship that denies the realities of poverty and injustice. God is tired of hearing your songs of...

Transfiguration Sunday

by The Rev. Deborah Silver I love mountains. When I was growing up at the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains in Southern California, I could look out of our kitchen window and see Mt. San Antonio or what we affectionately called Mt. Baldy because it had no trees...

The Feast of the Ascension

by The Rev. Dr. Deborah Silver I have always loved rocks. My grandson inherited this love of the earth and of rocks. When he was younger, whenever we took my dog Toby for a walk, we’d inevitably come home with hands and pockets full of rocks. If you come to my house,...

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