Please join the DOK Julian of Norwich Chapter for a Quiet Morning on Saturday, December 7, 2019. The event will take place at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 4393 Garmon Rd., NW, Atlanta, GA 30327. The program hours are 9 am 12 pm and wrapping up with lunch and Eucharist by 1:30 pm.
Registration / Check-in is from 8:30 am till 9 am.

Please bring a brown bag lunch. A cup of soup, dessert and coffee/tea/water will be provided.

Martha O’Brien will lead the attendees through the Quiet Morning of Contemplation and Reflection of Divine Love, with an introduction of the 16 showings made to Dame Julian of Norwich through which she received the revelations.      This Quiet Morning presentation will be on passages that are focused only on the first showing.

St. Dunstan’s Rector and DOK Chapter Chaplain, Tricia Templeton, will celebrate the Holy Eucharist to complete the Quiet Morning.

Please RSVP to Chapter President, Mary Kathryn Wolfson, by December 4, 2019 at

Suggested donation of $5.

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