From Bob Longino, Sr. Warden:
Easter is already here. We’re hoping as many parishioners as possible come to special Holy Week services and after. We especially hope you will attend the Good Friday service when Bishop Rob Wright will be with us. Always nice to have a good crowd when the Bishop is here.
Here is the schedule:
Palm Sunday (April 2): One service at 10 a.m. with Rev. Dr. Deborah Silver. Service concludes with recitation of The Passion by parishioners.
Tuesday (April 4) our own Stations of the Cross prepared by Tommy Hannah will be Installed in the Sanctuary if anyone wants to come by during the week and spend some quiet reflection time.
Maundy Thursday (April 6): Service at 7 p.m. with Rev. Maggie Harney.
Good Friday (April 7): Service at 7 p.m. with The Right Reverend Rob Wright and Rev. Maggie Harney.
Easter Vigil (April 8): Service at 7 p.m. with Rev. Maggie Harney.
Easter (April 9): One service at 10 a.m. with Reverends Maggie Harney, Deborah Silver and Bill Deneke.
1st Sunday after Easter (April 16): One service at 10 a.m. that includes the annual parish meeting and Eucharist. Tricia returns on this day.
Easter Flowers and Music: Contributions received by Tuesday, April 4, to honor or in memory of loved ones will be listed in the Easter bulletin. If you contribute online please note in the memo line it is for Easter Flowers or Music and email Claudia. Let her know … In memory, honor or thanksgiving for ______.
Volunteer opportunity: An additional email has been sent or will be sent about volunteering opportunities to support a refugee family. Please consider helping and alert Vivian Siggers of your interest.