Dear friends,
With Thanksgiving behind us we now turn our attention to preparing for the coming of Christ. Tomorrow is the First Sunday of Advent, the beginning of a new year in the Church calendar. The service sheet for tomorrow is attached. Remember, we have moved back to all online worship.
As we begin to prepare for Christmas we remember those for whom life is difficult long before there was a pandemic. If you would like to help families served by Emmaus House, an Episcopal ministry in Peoplestown (the neighborhoods around the old Turner Field) please bring $25 gift cards from Target, Walmart, or Visa to the church(or mail) by December 9. You may also bring new balls and stuffed animals for the children.
Every time I turn on the news I hear more dire warnings of how even more difficult things will be in the coming weeks as the pandemic surges and government benefits to people in need decline. That means more people will be looking to food pantries to help them survive. The all-volunteer run PopUp Food Pantry in Sandy Springs literally emptied its shelves for Thanksgiving. The pantry reopens Tuesday and is need of the following:
- Cans of soup
- Cans of ravioli/spaghetti
- Ramen
- Cans of corn, green beans, or peas
- Spaghetti
- Spaghetti sauce (lots of this please)
- Peanut butter
- Jelly
- Cans of black beans
- Dry black beans
- Mac and Cheese
- Granola bars
- Oatmeal packets
- Snack stuff, like cookies
- Size 5 & 6 diapers
These will be ongoing needs. Bring your donations to the church and leave them by the front door if no one is here. Elise MacIntyre delivers to the pantry every Tuesday.
See you at worship at 10 a.m. tomorrow.