Dear friends,

One of the hardest things about the pandemic was how it affected the way we cared for one another and our rituals of grief. I hated that I could not visit people in the hospital or rehab, or take communion to them at home. I hated that we had to postpone or truncate funerals. Now as more people are vaccinated some of those restrictions are being lifted. 

When Mary Kathryn Wolfson died last June 9, Bob made the decision to wait on having a funeral for her until we could all be together and have a full service. That will be next Saturday, June 12, at 11 a.m. in the church. All are welcome to come.

Now that we are able to return to almost normal worship it is time to get our Sunday morning ministries cranked up again. The altar and flower guilds both welcome new members, who will be paired with a more experienced person for a while. We can also use more ushers, lectors, lay readers, and acolytes (youth and adult). If you are interested in participating in any of these, or have questions about what they entail let me know and I will direct you to the right people.

Mimi Gold, one of our Family Promise coordinators, brings this news about the latest Family Promise event:Family Promise’ newest event, “Night Without A Bed,” is coming on June 26th. It’s the night we ask our Family Promise supporters to consider spending the night without their beds. Folks can sleep wherever they want, just not in a bed! It’s purpose is to raise awareness of homelessness. It is hoped that some groups will want to gather donations to support their “sleepers” to raise money for this project. You can register now.For more details on registering and donating see the following links:
Groups wanting to register, contact Shannon Pickerel

And finally, the service sheet for tomorrow is attached. Remember that our 10 a.m. service is in person, as well as streamed on Facebook Live. See you in the flesh or online tomorrow.

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