Dear friends,

This morning I went into the church and when I was almost to the front I looked to my right and gasped. There, standing with his nose pressed up against the glass, was a young two-point buck, looking into the church. He was beautiful. For a long moment we both stood frozen, looking at each other. Then he turned and made his way up the hill. 

It was for me a moment of, as our prayer book says, “joy and wonder in all God’s works.” I was also reminded of the opening line of Psalm 42, “As the deer longs for the water-brooks, so longs my soul for you, O God.” What a gift in the midst of this chaotic and anxiety-filled week to have that glimpse of joy and wonder.

If you are coming to church in person on Sunday think about bringing a bag of food for the food pantry. Our collections have been down the last couple of weeks, which is understandable, but the need to feed hungry people continues.

Remember that we need to know by tomorrow evening whether you will attend the in-person service on Sunday morning. Here is the link to RSVP:

Finally, the bulletin for tonight’s online Eucharist with Prayers for the Nation is attached. Hope to “see” you at 8 p.m.

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