Dear friends,
I heard a sound today that I hadn’t heard in many months — a group of people in the parish hall laughing. With vaccines and masks, they came together to make palm crosses for Palm Sunday, which is this week. We had originally hoped to be able to mail crosses to everyone in the congregation. But the palms were a little late arriving, and we don’t trust the mail to get them to you in time.
So if you would like a palm cross we invite you to come by church tomorrow or Friday and pick them up. If you have another parishioners who live in your area consider picking some up for them, too. And if you’d like to help deliver to those who are not getting out now let me know.
Of course, Palm Sunday begins Holy Week. Here is our schedule for the week:
Palm Sunday — Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. Streamed online
Monday — Wednesday (March 29-31) — Stations of the Cross at 8 p.m. Streamed online
Thursday (April 1) — Maundy Thursday service 7 p.m. Streamed online.
Friday (April 2) — Good Friday liturgy 7 p.m. Streamed online.
Saturday (April 3) — Easter Vigil at 7 p.m. Streamed online.
Sunday (April 4) — Easter Sunday Eucharist at 10 a.m. Streamed online and in person for those who have made reservations.