Dear friends,
We are in the dog days of August, but at St. Dunstan’s we are thinking about the fall. Our new program year begins two weeks from Sunday, on September 11. On that day our schedule will change to worship services at 8:30 and 10:45, and Sunday School at 9:30.
Here is some of what we are planning:
Adult Sunday school: The Rise and Dangers of Christian Nationalism. Christian Nationalism is the belief that America is defined by Christianity and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. We’ll be discussing how Christian Nationalism is different from Christianity, and from patriotism. We’ll look at examples of how this movement is growing, and the dangers it presents. The class will be led by Joe and Tricia and will meet at 9:30 in the Founders’ Room.
To Mourn With Those Who Mourn: An 8-week series for those who are grieving the death of someone they love — spouse or partner, parent, child, sibling, or friend. It may be a new grief or one you have carried for years. The group will be facilitated by Tricia and Harriett Smith. We will begin the week of September 5, day and time to be determined. Contact Tricia if you are interested.
Pot Luck and Ministry Fair — September 11. Bring a dish to share and learn about the many different ways to become involved at St. Dunstan’s.
Other Dates to Remember
- September 24 — The Flower Guild hosts a flower arranging workshop led by Russ Borden. More details to come.
- September 25 — Author and theologian Diana Butler Bass is our guest preacher.
- October 2 — The Blessing of the Animals
- October 9 — The Flying Pig BBQ returns!
After 2.5 years of reduced activities because of Covid it feels great to get up to full speed again!