Rector’s Update: Mon 10/16

Dear friends, Like all of you, I have watched the events of the last 10 days in Israel and Gaza with horror, sadness, and helplessness. I don’t pretend to be an expert in the politics of the Middle East, but I do know, as President Biden said, that the Hamas...

Rector’s Update: Fri 10/6

Dear friends, The year 2020 was tumultuous by any measure. There was the murder of George Floyd and the ensuing protests. There was the never-ending presidential campaign and election. And of course, there was the pandemic. Personally, things weren’t so great either....

Rector’s Update: Wed 9/27

Dear friends, I had a quick, but nice, visit to Seattle last weekend to preach at the funeral of a cousin who died of Covid. As is often the case at funerals, it was a combination of sadness at my cousin’s death, mixed with the pleasure of seeing family members...

Rector’s Update: Wed 9/20

Dear friends, Those of you who were here last Sunday know that we had a guest walking around with cameras at both services. That was Easton Davis, the communications guru for the diocese. One of the things he is offering is to make a three-minute video about a parish...

The Hard Work of Forgiving

This weekend is a special time for our Jewish brothers and sisters. At sunset Friday they began celebrating Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashana is not a one-day celebration. It is the beginning of Judaism’s High Holy Days, which end with Yom Kippur,...

Rector’s Update: Thur 9/14

Dear friends, It was so good to be back to our “regular” schedule last Sunday. The slower pace of summer is always welcome, but so is the return to new things in the fall. It was nice to have two services again, and to gather together for thought-provoking...

Christian or Barbaric?

Ever since reading today’s Gospel this week I have been thinking about a young man I once knew named Todd. Todd grew up in the Midwest as a Jehovah’s Witness. His father was a leader in that denomination’s hierarchy. His mother was active in the local...

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