Those of you who have been here for a while may remember that about 10 years ago I participated in a program put on by the National Park Service commemorating the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, and the ensuing successful voting rights march from Selma to...
It is one of my favorite images of Jesus, although I have never seen it visually depicted anywhere. There are dozens of portrayals of Jesus being baptized – paintings of him standing in the river with his cousin John, going under the water, coming out it, the...
There were signs telling them change was coming. First was a large, brilliant star, almost as bright as the sun as it streaked south across the night sky. Next came the birds, thousands of them, big and black, of a kind never before seen in the village, filling...
It is good to be gathered with you on this most holy of nights, the night that we celebrate the birth of a baby who will change the world. Everything about this evening is special — the music that our choir and instrumentalists have practiced for so many hours;...
When I looked at the scripture readings for this week I was reminded of a game from Sesame Street. Four objects would be shown on the screen while one of the characters sang these words: “One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn’t...
“Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” This is the prayer that begins the season of Advent, the beginning of a new church year, and time of preparation for the coming birth of the Messiah. Advent...
Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical year. It is known as Christ the King Sunday, a theme that is reflected in our readings. This image of Jesus as king has never really resonated with me. Maybe that’s because the founders of this country deliberately...
Do you trust the Bible? That’s what a sign in front of a church I passed recently asked. Do I trust the Bible? It’s an interesting question; one that leads me to other questions. Do I trust the Bible for what? To teach me about science? For medical...