From Parish Administrator, Claudia Gimson:
Good afternoon friends,
Attached is the bulletin for this Sunday. The Reverend Dr. Stefanie Taylor will return to celebrate with us and Dan Mitchell will be providing us with lovely music.
Next week, Sunday September 8th Tricia and Cameron will be back with us as we return to our “Regular Schedule” with the early service at 8:30 and then 10:45.
Sunday school will be at 9:30 with a guest speaker from the diocese. Dr. Lindsey Hardegree is executive director of the Episcopal Community Foundation, a diocesan organization that gives grants to organizations or parish programs that serve the poor and oppressed. In the past St. Dunstan’s has received a grant to aid in the work we were doing with Family Promise. Bishop Wright has urged all parishes to invite Lindsey to come speak about this important work. We will meet at 9:30 in the Founders’ Room.
Potluck Picnic in the Beech Grove. After the 10:45 service we will celebrate our return with an old-fashioned Fried Chicken lunch. Please bring your favorite side dish to share. Weather cooperating we’ll picnic in the Beech Grove, otherwise we’ll enjoy the Parish Hall.
I hope all of you enjoy a wonderful weekend and respite from your labors.