Rector’s Update: Wed 1/5

Dear friends, Tomorrow is January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany, the day we remember the story of the Magi bringing gifts to the baby Jesus. The season of Epiphany, (from January 6 to Ash Wednesday) is often known as the season of light. There is the light of the star...

Rector’s Update: Sat 1/1

Dear friends, Happy New Year! A new year usually brings feelings of hope for new beginnings. But 2022 is starting out in a depressingly familiar way. Once again Covid cases are rising as the omicron variant explodes across the country. As you have no doubt heard or...

Rector’s Update: Sat 12/25

Dear friends, What a joyful Christmas celebration we had last night. A full church, fabulous music, beautiful decorations. Thanks to all who worked so hard to make it happen. This morning we also had a beautiful, simple service. And the Christmas celebration continues...

Rector’s Update: Fri 12/24

Dear friends, Every year during Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter, we celebrate the Triduum, which literally means the “three days.” There are special services each of those days — Maundy Thursday, the last night of Jesus’ life; Good...

Rector’s Update: Tue 12/21

Dear friends, This year Christmas Eve will bring a long-awaited gift to astronomers around the world with the launch of the James Webb Telescope. Our parishioner Dr. Misty Bentz, professor of physics and astronomy at Georgia State University, has a special interest in...

Rector’s Update: Mon 12/20

Dear friends, Here we go again. Once more the news is full of dire predictions of a coming surge of Covid cases with the Omicron variant gaining strength, and the Delta variant still going strong. I know that we all (me included) have pandemic fatigue. But this is not...

Rector’s Update: Mon 12/6

Dear friends, What a wonderful evening we had on Saturday. Cameron’s recital was fabulous and so was the reception after it. When I looked at the church full of people enjoying the music and then having fun talking with one another in the parish hall it made me...

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