Rector’s Update: Sat 9/11

Dear friends, Several years ago the Galloway chorus, including Joseph Henry and Whit and Greer Blount, went to New York to sing at Carnegie Hall. I went along as a chaperone. Other than the performance at one of the world’s most well-known venues, the highlight...

Rector’s Update: Tue 9/7

Dear friends, I am officially back in the office after my “semi-vacation.” It is good to be back. In “normal” times, the Sunday after Labor Day marks the beginning of the program-year schedule, which means services at 8:30 and 10:45, and Sunday...

Rector’s Update: Fri 8/27

Dear friends, I am writing to let you know that Heather Robertson’s mother, Sandi Maloney, died this week. Sandi was a long-time member of St. Dunstan’s. She had not been active in recent years, but you could always count on her to be here when her...

Rector’s Update: Sat 8/7

Dear friends, Attached is the service sheet for tomorrow. Remember that if you cannot make it to in-person worship you can watch online. And please remember that we are once again requiring masks for everyone.  Pentecost-11-Proper-14-August-8-SPDownload After church...

Rector’s Update: Thur 8/5

Dear friends, I have an assortment of things for you today. First, our week of providing for Family Promise begins August 15. We still could use some $25 grocery gift cards. If you’d like to donate go to our website, and click on the SignUp...

Rector’s Update: Wed 8/4

Dear friends, This morning the clergy of the diocese gathered on Zoom to hear from the bishop and from Dr. Jodie Guest, Emory professor of epidemiology, for an update on the pandemic. Dr. Guest, who has been studying the virus from the beginning, says that the delta...

Rector’s Update: Mon 8/2

Dear friends, I have not been glued to the TV for the Olympics this year as much as I have been in the past, but one athlete in particular has captured my attention. That is Sunisa Lee, the gold medal winner of the all-around individual gymnastics competition, and...

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