Rector’s Update: Thur 4/22

Dear friends, I want to let you know that the funeral for Bessie Holland’s son, Alfonso Valle, will be streamed live on Facebook tomorrow at 1 p.m. You can access it the same way that you access Sunday services. And here again is the sign up link for this...

Rector’s Update: Tue 4/20

Dear friends, I am writing with the sad news that Bessie Holland’s son, Alfonso Valle, died unexpectedly on Saturday. Those of you who are regulars at the 8:30 service may remember Alfonso, who often came to church with Bessie and Hollis. There will be a service...

Rector’s Update: Sun 4/11

Dear friends, Once again, it was wonderful to be in church with actual people this morning. It will be even better when we can sing, pass the peace, and not have to sit so spread out. But after 13 months of being solely online, this feels pretty good. Remember if you...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/10

Dear friends, The funeral for our parishioner Tommy Hannah will be at 1 p.m. tomorrow. Attendance is limited because of our Covid protocols, but you can watch a live-stream of the service here: Please keep Mary Jane...

Rector’s Update: Thur 4/8

Hi everyone, I just have a few announcements/reminders. First, we do still have spots open for Sunday’s service. We need to know by tomorrow how many people are coming so that we can do the seating arrangements. Remember that because of the Covid protocols you...

Rector’s Update: Tue 4/6

Dear friends, What a wonderful Easter Sunday it was! It lacked some of the “pomp” of previous years with no singing, no procession, and a limited number in the congregation. But after more than a year of being apart, it was great to be together, and to...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/3

Dear friends, I’m looking out at something I haven’t seen in more than a year — the church bustling with activity preparing for tomorrow. Silver is being polished, linens are being ironed, flowers are being arranged, floors are being mopped, grass is...

Rector’s Update: Thur 4/1

Dear friends, Today we enter into the Triduum, Latin meaning three days. The Easter Triduum begins this evening with the Maundy Thursday service remembering the last night of Jesus’ life. Tomorrow, Good Friday, we remember Jesus’ death on the cross. On...

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