Refugee Update

Dear friends, As you know, for the past couple of months we have been hoping to begin a ministry with newly arrived refugees. Unfortunately, our timing was not good. Just as we began planning to sponsor a family, the travel ban and hold on refugees went into place....

The Bellows January-February 2017

The End of an Era The Names of the Messiah Family Promise Mardi Gras! Ash Wednesday Services Atlanta Chamber Players at St. Dunstan’s Transitions Thank yous A Prayer for Refugees The End of an Era The year 2017 began on a sad note at St. Dunstan’s, with the New Year’s...

The Bellows December 2016

Light in the Darkness The Names of the Messiah Advent / Christmas Calendar Lives of Generosity Transitions Music Notes Thank you! Our Condolences Report from the Diocesan Council The Work of Christmas Light in the Darkness On the first Sunday of Advent, the first day...

Advent Lessons and Carols

December 11, 4 p.m. St. Dunstan’s traditional Service of Lessons and Carols for Advent. From Tom Gibbs in The Bellows: I am particularly pleased with the way our Advent Lessons and Carols service has come together. Steven Schneider will be here to play the organ, and...

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