Jesus, the Devil, and Putin

    The devil led Jesus up and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And the devil said to him, “To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. If you,...

Two Beloved Sons

    On the top of a mountain,  Jesus kneels in prayer as his friends struggle to stay awake.  As he prays, Jesus is suddenly filled with radiant light, his very face aglow.  Then two figures from another time and place appear, ...

Curses into Blessings

    Have you ever picked up a book, opened it about three-fourths of the way through and started reading it? You don’t know the characters, the plot, the context. Even if you can tell that something important is happening it doesn’t quite...

Jesus and Pollyanna

    When I was young, one of my favorite books was Pollyanna, the story of a girl who is orphaned at a young age, and sent to live with a wealthy, but austere and stern aunt in a distant part of the country.     Pollyanna had never met...

Stopped Up Ears, Shut Eyes

    I wonder how many of you have been to the ordination of a priest? It is an impressive service. Most churches pull out all the stops — the best of the best music, beautiful flowers in abundance, often incense. The procession includes all the...

  The Only Way

    “If I speak in the tongues of mortals and angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”     When you heard that passage read a few moments ago, did you look around for the wedding couple?    ...

Blessed Are They

    If we have learned anything in the past 20 months of pandemic it is that human beings need community. Isolation may be okay for a little while, but soon we are longing for contact with other people, to be with friends and family.    ...

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