Propelled by the Spirit

    It is not exactly the kind of post-baptism celebration to which we are accustomed – no brunch with proud family, friends and godparents, no champagne, no gifts, no oohing and aahing over the newly baptized.     There is none of that for Jesus....

Don’t Give Up

    “I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church to an observance of a holy Lent.”     This year, these words that I have said almost every Ash Wednesday for more than a quarter of a century sound different to me....

A Lenten Prayer

    Today is the last Sunday of the season of Epiphany, those weeks between Christmas and the beginning of Lent.       Epiphany ends every year with the reading we heard today, the story of the Transfiguration – the ultimate mountaintop experience where...

Have You Not Known?

    Today’s reading from the prophet Isaiah finds the people of Israel in deep despair, wondering if they’ve been abandoned by God.     The land that God promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the land that God led them to...

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