
Rector’s Update: Thur 7/22

Rector’s Update: Thur 7/22

Dear friends, When I was a journalist a standard saying in the newsroom was "never let the facts stand in the way of a good story." It was a joke. Every reporter and editor I knew or worked with was dedicated to finding the facts and making sure stories were as...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 7/20

Dear friends, Our church calendar is full of days dedicated to various saints and the important people of Christianity. Some are well known -- like St. Patrick, who we remember on March 17. Others are Biblical figures -- the disciples, Mary and Joseph, Mary Magdalene...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 7/15

Dear friends, I have a few assorted things to share with you. Those of you who come to coffee hour know that we have a fabulous and complex coffee/cappuccino machine that is a gift from Tommy Hansen. During the early days of the pandemic he worked to have a water line...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 7/14

Dear friends, One of the best things we do at St. Dunstan's is participating in the Family Promise program. We are one of 13 congregations that several times a year open our doors to become "home" for a week for families who don't have one. During the pandemic...

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Rector’s Update: Fri 7/2

Dear friends, This Sunday, July 4, we will mark the founding of our country with a service including prayers for our nation, and music appropriate to the day. We'll also have a holiday-themed coffee hour. If you're in town we hope you will join us. For those who...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 6/22

Dear friends, This may be a first. I'm recommending a piece that recently ran on (the national) Fox News. It is about my friend and fellow Episcopal priest, Kim Jackson, who has preached at St. Dunstan's many times. Kim is now the vicar of the Church of the Common...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 6/10

Dear friends, In the spring of 2020, as normal life was coming to a halt because of the pandemic, St. Dunstan's did an amazing thing. We raised $55,000 to help people in our community who had crippling medical debt. Through the organization RIP Medical Debt, the money...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 6/5

Dear friends, One of the hardest things about the pandemic was how it affected the way we cared for one another and our rituals of grief. I hated that I could not visit people in the hospital or rehab, or take communion to them at home. I hated that we had to postpone...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 6/2

Rector’s Update: Wed 6/2

Dear friends, Several years ago I went to Montgomery, Alabama with several others from St. Dunstan's to visit the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, also known as the lynching memorial. The memorial is made up of long columns, many suspended from the ceiling (as...

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