
Rector’s Update: Mon 1/25

Dear friends, I have just a few things to share with you today. First, a reminder that we are the hosts for Family Promise the week of February 14. When I looked at the SIgnUP Genius I was amazed at how full it was. But we still need $25 gifts cards for Kroger and...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 1/21

Dear friends,"Will you respect the dignity of every human being?"  I will, with God's help. Those words from our Baptismal Covenant were in my mind all day yesterday as I sat glued to the television watching the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and all the...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 1/19

Rector’s Update: Tue 1/19

Dear friends, I have a few things to pass on to you while I am off. First of all, our turn to host Family Promise is coming up February 14-21. As has been the case for almost a year now, hosting is different in the age of Coronatide. We don't need people to cook or...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 1/12

Dear friends, This is just a quick note to let you know that after our vestry meeting is finished this evening I am going to be taking some time off. I'll be back in the office on February 1. Deborah Silver and Bill Deneke will be filling in on Sunday mornings,...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 1/9

Dear friends, Once again your kindness and generosity are amazing. I asked earlier this week if anyone could take care of Bob Wolfson's dog Teddy while he was recovering from surgery, and I got an instant reply yes. In fact, several of you offered to help. Elizabeth...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 1/4

Dear friends, Happy New Year! I don't know about you, but I am ready to get back to a normal schedule, or what counts as normal in the midst of a pandemic. There are still big events in the next week or so -- the election tomorrow, Congressional certification of the...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 12/23

Dear friends, Although I still find it a little difficult to believe, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Worship will be different this year, for sure, but we have worked hard to put together online services that we hope will feel worshipful to you and help you experience the...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 12/21

What star is this, with beams so bright, more beauteous than the noonday light? It shines to herald forth the King, and Gentiles to his crib to bring. (Hymn 124) Dear friends, How wonderful that just days before Christmas we can look into the sky and see something...

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