
Rector’s Update: Wed 10/21

Dear friends, It is a parent's worst nightmare. Being forcibly separated from your children, not knowing where they are, if they are safe, if they are being cared for, if they are crying for you each night, if they are alive. I know if any of us were in that situation...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 10/19

Dear friends, What a wonderful day we had yesterday at our first in-person worship service since March 15. It could not have been a more glorious day in the Beech Grove. It was so nice to see your masked faces, and to be able to put communion in your outstretched...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 10/17

Dear friends, Attached is the bulletin for tomorrow morning's service. I am excited that this service will be both online and in person, our first in-person Sunday morning gathering in seven months. Pentecost-20-Proper-24-20A-October-18Download For those of you who...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 10/15

Rector’s Update: Thur 10/15

Dear friends, A recent post on Facebook asked this question: During the pandemic, has your church leaned more into production and entertainment or into ministry to the hurting?  It's kind of a skewed question. For one thing, what the questioner calls "production and...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 10/14

Dear friends, I have some exciting news. Bishop Wright has expanded our Covid protocols to allow outdoor services of the Holy Eucharist. So this Sunday, almost seven months to the day since we were last together in person for Sunday worship, we will gather in the...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 10/12

Dear friends, Attached you will find this week's service of Compline. Actually, this week we are doing Night Prayers from the New Zealand Prayer Book for a little variety. And I have avoided the temptation to put in a prayer for the Atlanta Braves, who begin the...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 10/10

Dear friends, Attached is the bulletin for tomorrow morning's service. Pentecost-19-Proper-23-20A-October-11Download And I remind you that we are hosting Family Promise the week of November 1. During this time of pandemic the families are staying at St. Luke's...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 10/8

Dear friends, Once again it is time for us to host Family Promise, a program that serves those without homes. As with almost everything else, the pandemic has changed the way we participate in this program. St. Luke's Presbyterian Church in Dunwoody has graciously...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 10/5

Dear friends, I've got several things to share with you today. Day by Day is a pamphlet containing daily reflections on scripture passages, written by lay and ordained members of the Episcopal Church. Each pamphlet has three months of reflections. The booklets for...

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Rector’s Update: Sun 10/4

Rector’s Update: Sun 10/4

Dear friends, How wonderful it was to see some of you this afternoon at the Blessing of the Animals. It was a beautiful day, and the Beech Grove was the perfect spot for our first in-person gathering since March. We had about 25 people, 12 dogs, a fish, and pictures...

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