
Rector’s Update: Fri 10/2

Dear friends, We still have spaces available for the Blessing of the Animals in the Beech Grove on Sunday at 2 p.m. This will be our first in-person gathering since March 15, and I am very excited to see some of you face-to-face for the first time since then. Diocesan...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 9/28

Dear friends, This Sunday we will have our first in-person gathering since March 15, an outdoor Blessing of the Animals. Note that we will still have our usual online service of Holy Eucharist at 10 Sunday morning. The Blessing of the Animals will be at 2 p.m. in the...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 9/26

Dear friends, Attached is the bulletin for tomorrow's service. Pentecost-17-Proper-21-20A-September-27Download And remember that next Sunday, October 4, we will have our first in-person gathering since March with the Blessing of the Animals. It will be at 2 p.m. in...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 9/24

Dear friends, Today is a significant day in Atlanta history, although most people are probably unaware of it. From September 22-24,1906, was the Atlanta Race Massacre. When we hear the words "race riot," my guess is that for most of us we picture our African American...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 9/21

Dear friends, Just a few things for you today. First, attached is the service sheet for Compline this week. For the first time in a long time we will be doing straight up Compline right out of the prayer book with no tweaks or added prayers, which I usually do. It's a...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 9/19

Dear friends, In the last 24 hours I have heard from many of you expressing your grief over the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a true beacon of justice in our country. I share your grief and the determination to carry on the work she did so...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 9/14

Rector’s Update: Mon 9/14

Dear friends, In the early weeks of this pandemic, long before we knew how long the road ahead of us was (something we still don't know) the vestry discussed two questions: How do we support those in our parish whose economic life has been affected by the pandemic?...

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Rector’s Update: Sat 9/12

Dear friends, Today I have a message for your from our treasurer Lee Morris, and some other news and updates. Also, the service sheet for tomorrow is attached: Pentecost-15-Proper-19-20A-September-13Download Here is the note from Lee: As your treasurer, I continue to...

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Rector’s Update: Fri 9/11

Rector’s Update: Fri 9/11

September 11, 2001We Remember "It is the greatness and heart of the Christian message that God, as manifest in the Christ on the cross, totally participates in the dying of a child, in the condemnation of a criminal, in the disintegration of a mind, in starvation and...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 9/10

Dear friends, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." -- John 1:1Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." -- John 14:6Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the...

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