
Rector’s Update: Fri 6/26

Dear friends, In a world where it sometimes seems as if we are bombarded with grim and sad news I give you two causes for celebration this weekend. First, tomorrow (Saturday) at noon, Jessy Hamilton and Adam Steinke will be married. It will not be the celebration they...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 6/25

Rector’s Update: Thur 6/25

Dear friends, I had not been home long this evening when I heard a huge commotion outside. Crows, seemingly dozens of them, cawing and crying, obviously in distress. I went outside and realized the sounds were coming from across the street, where our neighbors (and...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 6/23

Rector’s Update: Tue 6/23

Dear friends, Yesterday afternoon I wrote to you that we had no food for delivery to the food pantry this week. The little red wagon and the narthex were bare. When I got to church this morning the outside bins were overflowing and when I left church this afternoon...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 6/22

Rector’s Update: Mon 6/22

Dear friends, Below you will find the service for our nightly Compline this week. When we started doing this brief nightly service in mid-March I thought it would last for a couple of weeks at most, and that we might have a handful of people participating. I was wrong...

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Rector’s Update: Fri 6/19

Rector’s Update: Fri 6/19

"Erected by the men and women and children of DeKalb County to the memory of the soldiers and sailors of the Confederacy of whose virtues in peace and in war we are witnesses to the end that justice may be done and that the truth perish not."Last night those words...

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Rector’s Update: Thur 6/18

Dear friends, Ever since our last in-person worship service on March 15th we've all had the same question: When will we be allowed to worship in church again? I certainly never dreamed in mid-March that in mid-June we would be heading into our fourth month of online...

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Rector’s Update: Wed 6/10

Dear friends, Every week the clergy in the diocese are invited to participate in a Zoom call. Twice a month the bishop meets with us to give us news and encourage us in these strange times in which we are living. Other times we break into small groups to check in with...

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Rector’s Update: Tue 6/2

Dear friends, It has been about 18 hours, but I'm still stunned at the images from yesterday evening. The president of the United States deploying military police to use tear gas, flash bangs, and rubber bullets against peaceful protesters to scatter them so that he...

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Rector’s Update: Mon 6/1

Dear friends, First, thank you so much for the prayers, food, and love with which you are surrounding us. I have some good news. Joe is supposed to be released from the hospital later today. I don't have any information yet about what he can and can't do with a neck...

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