Hi everyone,
This is a last minute reminder that tomorrow we will be online only, with one service at 10 a.m. You can access the service by going to our website, www.stdunstan.net and clicking the live worship button. You do not have to be a member of Facebook to watch.
If you read my earlier email you know that we have not one, but two refugee families from Cameroon arriving on Thursday. Here is an update list of the things we still need before then. You can bring them by the church anytime. If no one is there just leave them at the front door, and I will bring them in when I’m there. Blankets are one significant need (used or new). We have enough adult coats for the airport pickup but need 4 used children’s coats for 5-7 year olds and hats, gloves, vests, sweaters, and socks for everyone. Thank you for your generosity.
With love,