The Party Pooper

It happens every year at this time. The Christmas decorations are going up, the smell of fresh greenery is in the air, the red velvet bows are still crisp, the melodies of Christmas carols follow us everywhere we go – except in church, of course. There is a festive...

Beginning at the End

Happy New Year! Today is the first day of Advent, the beginning of a new year in the church calendar.  We have spent the last six months in what the church calls “ordinary time,” that long period between Pentecost, which is 50 days after Easter, and the First...

Rector’s Update: Wed 11/29 Part 2

Dear friends, Reading and watching the coverage of the death and funeral for Rosalynn Carter reminded me of this photo gem. I think it was probably around 2013 when Lucy Kaltenbach and Steve Marks took the confirmation class to Plains to attend President...

Rector’s Update: Wed 11/29

Dear friends, This Sunday we turn the page to the beginning of a new church year. Advent is one of my favorite seasons on our liturgical calendar. Those who are new to the Episcopal Church may be surprised that we aren’t singing Christmas carols or putting up...

Just Another Pagoda

Today is the last Sunday in the season of  Pentecost, the longest season of the church year. At one time the church referred to the season of Pentecost as “ordinary” time. From May through the end of November there are no big festivals or celebrations on the...

Rector’s Update: Wed 11/22

Dear friends, This week Emmaus House has been distributing bags full of the ingredients for Thanksgiving side dishes to those who live in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city (they also are receiving turkeys). Their goal was to distribute bags to 200 families....

Rector’s Update: Tue 11/21

Dear friends, I have been approaching Thanksgiving this week with a sense of dread. The holiday seems heavy this year, weighed down by the memories of who won’t be at the table — my father, who died on Thanksgiving Day 2020; my mother, who died last year...

Light in the Darkness 

I was about 10 years old when psychic Jean Dixon predicted the exact date of the end of the world. Somehow in those days before the internet and social media the news of this impending doom raced through our fifth grade classroom, both exciting and...

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