Rector’s Update: Sat 5/27

Dear friends, Tomorrow is one of the major feast days of the Church, the Day of Pentecost. Pentecost is a celebration of the Holy Spirit, God’s continuing presence with us. We invite you to wear red, the color associated with the Spirit. And remember that...

We Rise

In Sunday School this spring we are viewing a video series called Living the Questions that explores what it means to be a progressive Christian, how and what we believe. Last week, the discussion centered around how we interpret scripture, including how a story may...

Rector’s Update: Fri 5/19

Dear friends, Happy St. Dunstan’s Day! May 19 is our patron saint’s day of remembrance on the church calendar. During the 10th century, Dunstan served as the abbot of Glastonbury Abbey, the bishop of Worcester and London, and the Archbishop of Canterbury....

True Heroes for the Good

“Now who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good?” We hear that question asked in our second reading today. It’s a rhetorical question, and at first hearing sounds a bit naive. We all know that doing the right or the good thing is no guarantee against being...

Rector’s Update: Thur 5/11

Dear friends, This Sunday we will be observing an old church tradition, Rogation Sunday. Rogation is an ancient church festival to seek blessing for a community and its sustenance. The word rogation comes from the Latin word rogare, meaning “to ask.”...

For the Common Good

“All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.” I have been preaching for almost three decades now, and in all those years I have never preached on this...

Seymour’s Fat Lady

Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again. We say those words just about every Sunday in the Eucharistic prayer.  The Christ has died and Christ risen parts we understand. Or at least we talk and preach about fairly regularly, particularly in...

Rector’s Update: Sat 4/22

Dear friends, Ever since we have returned to church from Covid we have talked about engaging in more “hands on” outreach to the wider community. After much discussion, we have decided to partner with New American Pathways to befriend a family of refugees....

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